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Corporate Governance Report | Free template

Corporate Governance Report is a free template to establish a corporate governance report.

A limited company whose shares, warrants or debt securities are traded on a regulated market must prepare and present a corporate governance report in the financial statement report or in a separate report from the financial statements with a reference in the financial statement report.

A corporate governance report contain information about:
1st the principles of Corporate Governance as applicable, except as provided by law or regulation, and where details of these principles are available,
2nd the key elements of the Company's internal control and risk management related to financial reporting;
3rd direct or indirect shareholdings in the company, representing more than one tenth of the votes for all shares in the company,
4th restrictions on how many votes each shareholder may cast at a general meeting,
5th provisions of the Articles of Association on the appointment and dismissal of directors and amending the articles of association;
6th by the General Meeting authorizations to the Board to issue new shares or repurchase shares;
7th the annual general meeting, the general meeting's main decision-making rights, shareholder rights and how those rights are exercised, to the extent that these conditions are not derived from law or regulation;
8th how the board and, where appropriate, the company established committees are composed and how they work, to the extent that these conditions are not derived from law or regulation.

If a corporation does not apply to any standard code of corporate governance, the reasons shall be stated in the report. If a company applies to a standard code of corporate governance shall deviations from the standard code be described and the reasons for these deviations.
Updated: 01/01/2015 | Created by

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Tags: bookkeeping