Payment reminder | Free template
Payment reminder is a free template that you can use to remind your customers that your company has unpaid invoices and outstanding claims to them.
You can send a payment reminder to your customer after the invoice due date has passed. It is important to have a friendly tone in a payment reminder because it may be that the customer simply forgot to pay or have paid some days late. It is good to have a text in the payment reminder which states that the customer can ignore the payment reminder if payment has been made recently.
In a payment reminder, you specify which invoices are unpaid, the invoice number, their date of invoice, the due date, the agreed delay fee and invoice balance including sales tax. Penalty interest may be agreed in advance, indicated in a quotation, indicated in the approved purchase terms, or specified in another contract. If penalty interest is not agreed, you can charge interest on late payments under the Interest Act.
For a payment reminder, you can also charge a reminder fee and this fee. When the customer has received a payment, payment shall be made as quickly as possible and you can wait for about 10 days before proceeding with other actions. Measures after sending a payment reminder are to send debt collection requirements, to send calls with bankruptcy, and finally bankruptcy.
You can use this template to create a payment reminder that you can send to customers who have missed or forgotten to pay your claim.
Updated: 01/01/2015 | Created by
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collection claim business documents