Picking slip | Free template
Picking slip is a free template to create an internal order within the company to pick products in fixed quantities from stock.
A picking slip is normally created after a customer has made an order to the company and the picking slip gives staff authorization to retrieve the specified products from the warehouse. A picking slip may also be included in a production order when a product is manufactured or produced.
A picking slip contains information about the customer, the products to be picked, and product location in the warehouse and in what quantity of the products to be picked. A picking slip shall be reported upon by the responsible person with the quantity that has been picked. When a picking slip has been completed and reported, a delivery note is created and the products are packed and finally sent to the customer.
You can use this template to create a picking slip when a customer placed an order and the products have to be picked from the warehouse.
Updated: 01/01/2015 | Created by All-templates.biz
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business documents billing