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Product list, records of products | Free template

Product list is a free template to establish a register of goods and services in a company. The product list is at the heart of a company because it determines which products that should be purchased, stored and sold to achieve a profit in the company.

Products may be both goods and services and products have a value because there is a willingness to pay that value to obtain the goods or obtain services. Goods could be raw materials, products in progress (WIP) and finished goods or merchandise. Goods can also be consumable materials where the intent of the holding is to consume them in the business and not sell them.

Goods and services can be paired with other products or services by using a bill of material to describe the relationship between various goods and services.

The product list is important to facilitate the process of purchasing, to calculate the inventory balance, valuing the inventory and to sell products to customers. You can use this template to create a product list of your products. The product list is a central component in ERP software.
Updated: 01/01/2015 | Created by

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Tags: sale purchase production