Production order, manufacturing order | Free template
Production order is a free template to create an internal order within the company to manufacture a product in a specified quantity. A production order gives the production staff authorization to produce a certain number of units of the product and to carry out the activities that are specified, and get the materials required in the picking order for the production order.
Once the company has done aggregate planning, fixed production schedule for specific products and scheduled production in the short-term planning they create manufacturing orders so that the required products can be produced and ultimately sent to customers. If production is customer-driven, it is sufficient that a customer has ordered products to a production order to be created. Production orders may have different priorities depending on the profitability of customers or products and this is determined in the short-term production planning.
A production order contains information about which product to be produced, when production will start, when the manufacturing order shall be completed, the operations or activities to be implemented and the components to be picked for the production and assembly. A production order contains an operation list and a bill of material register. In the operation list, the activities to be undertaken are listed and for these activities shall start time, end time and the quantity produced be reported by the person responsible for the activity. The bill of material shows which components are to be picked and in what quantity, when the components have been picked, the number picked should reported by the person who have picked the components.
You can use this template to create a production order when you want to create an internal order within the company on a product that requires to be manufactured.
Updated: 01/01/2015 | Created by
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business documents manufacturing