Quotation | Free template
Quotation is a free template to prepare a quote for an offer to a customer in terms of products and prices. This quotation template contains a quote with customer data and product rows.
A quotation is an offer which includes services and / or goods with price indications and provisions for other conditions applicable to a business transaction.
A quotation should contain information about the buyer, the seller, products, products unit price, total amount for the whole quote, discounts, delivery way, delivery terms, delivery time, payment conditions and the quotes expiration day. If the quotes expiration date not is specified, the quotation is binding on the vendor for a reasonable period of time. A quotation can also be verbal, but then it is has to be accepted directly in order to be binding for the seller.
A contract is concluded when a quotation has been accepted and therefore there is an agreement between the seller and the buyer when the buyer within a reasonable period of consideration accepts an offer. When an agreement has been concluded the seller is required to complete the transaction and deliver to the purchaser under the terms of the quotation and the buyer is obliged to pay for goods supplied or services rendered under the conditions of the quotation.
A buyer can accept a quote by a pure acceptance, impure acceptance or by not accept the offer of the quotation. A pure acceptance means that the buyer accepts the quotation without modification. An impure acceptance means that the buyer accepts the offer with some changes and this means that there is a new offer from the buyer to be accepted by the seller.
A quotation may be preceded by a request for a quote which is a call for quotation for which the buyer asks the seller on price and other terms of goods or services. You can use this quotation template to draw up a quotation to a potential buyer.
Updated: 01/01/2015 | Created by All-templates.biz
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