Stock certificate | Free template
Stock certificate is a free template to establish and create a letter of shares in a corporation. A stock certificate is an investment that proves that a physical or legal person is holding shares in a corporation.
A private limited company has a duty to issue a share of a shareholder's shares if he requests it. Stocks are shares in a corporation that gives the right to a share of the profits and the right to vote at general shareholder meetings of the company. Shares may be of different classes and thus provide different rights to profits and voting. Provisions for different classes of shares shall be available in the company´s statutes, if no such rules exist all stocks have equal share in the company.
A stock certificate should include the following:
1. Company's name, organizational number and company category,
2. shareholder's name and social security number, corporate or other identification number,
3. the numbers of the shares referred to in the letter,
4. type of shares, according to the statutes there can be several classes of shares,
5. the date on which the shares was issued.
A stock certificate shall be signed by the Board or, as the Board's authorization, securities institutions. The signature may be reproduced by printing or other similar means.
A stock certificate may be exchanged by one or more new share certificates but then a note should be made on the new share certificate that they replace an old stock and that the old stock certificates have been destroyed.
You can use this template for stock certificate to issue stock certificates in your company and the template consists of two pages, one front page and one back page.
Updated: 01/01/2015 | Created by
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stocks limited company shareholders