SWOT analysis | Free template
This template is designed to help you to create a SWOT analysis for your business, organization or person. A SWOT analysis is a planning tool used to describe the current situation.
The purpose of a SWOT analysis is to identify opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses in the present for a company, a person or another organization. A SWOT analysis is usually included in the situation analysis of the marketing plan and aids to structure opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses.
The SWOT analysis together with the rest of the situation analysis is a basis for the forward-looking planning by giving possibilities to exploit opportunities, avoid threats, using the strengths and improve weaknesses.
Opportunities and threats are non-modifiable environmental factors that an organization or a person can benefit from knowing. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors that can be influenced by an organization or a person. An organization or a person can benefit from and improve strengths and weaknesses.
Updated: 01/01/2015 | Created by All-templates.biz
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planning marketing