Waiting line model or queuing system | Free template
Waiting line model or queuing system is a free template for making calculations on and evaluate an existing or planned waiting line. A waiting line is people or objects waiting to be served, and queues are formed because these customers can not be served immediately.
This template for a waiting line model is valuable to manufacturers and service providers, examples of where to find waiting lines are department stores, duty stations on the roads, repair services, emergency hospitals, and telephone banks. Models for waiting lines is used to analyze the capacity utilization, average waiting time, the average number of customers in queue and other factors that help us better understand how the waiting line works.
A waiting line consists of three parts, arriving customers from a population, service stations serving the customers and service stations productivity. Arriving customers may come from an unrestricted population, or from a limited population, an unrestricted population is for example customers in a department store and a limited population may be a couple of machines that can break down. The arrival of customers is assumed to be described by the Poisson probability distribution with an average number of arriving customers per time unit. The productivity of service stations or their service speed is usually randomly distributed with an average service rate per time unit, the service rate is assumed to be described by a negative exponential probability distribution. A waiting line may have one or more service stations meaning that customers can be served by only one unit or multiple units.
In this template for a waiting line model you have to specify how many customers arriving per time unit, the service rate per time unit and the number of service stations. The time unit, you can choose yourself, but you must ensure that the arrival rate and service rate is entered for the same time unit. You can then evaluate the waiting line on the following factors:
1. Average capacity utilization
2. Average numbers of customers in the queue
3. Average numbers of customers in the system
4. Average queue time
5. Average time in the system
6. Probability that no customers are in the system
You can use this template to assess an existing or a new waiting line and for yourself moderate the properties to achieve the waiting line that is most suited for your needs.
Updated: 01/01/2015 | Created by All-templates.biz
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