Apartment sublease contract | Free template
Apartment sublease contract is a free template that can be used to prepare a second hand contract between primary tenants and subtenants. A tenant has the right to obtain a written lease contract regardless of whether the lease is in first hand or in second hand.
In order to rent out an apartment in second hand to subtenants, you must have a permission from the landlord, without a permission is there a risk that both the subtenants and the primary tenants get evicted. If you rent out your apartment to subtenants, then it is still you as the primary tenant that is liable to the landlord. As the primary tenant, you are obliged to pay rent to the landlord on time, have the risk of being evicted if the subtenant misbehaves and is liable to the landlord for damages that the subtenant causes. It is therefore important to have a written lease contract with the subtenant, to regulate the terms and conditions between you as primary tenant and the subtenant.
As the primary tenant, you have normally no right to charge what you want in rent, the rent must be reasonable in relation to the apartment's condition. If your apartment is fully furnished, you are entitled to make a mark on the rent of 10-15%. As the primary tenant, you are entitled to let the rent level in the lease to be adjusted for changes in the rent taken by your landlord.
An apartment sublease contract should be in writing and include information about the primary tenant, the subtenant, the apartment's address, apartment area, the rent, payment terms, contract period, furnishings and period of notice.
You can use this template for an apartment lease contract to prepare a written rental agreement between you as primary tenant and subtenants.
Updated: 01/01/2015 | Created by All-templates.biz
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