Division of joint property agreement | Free template
Division of joint property agreement is a free template which can be used when a division of joint takes place between two parties who are living in a relationship. A division of joint occurs with a divorce, if a partner dies and if two partners no longer wish to live together.
At the request of any of the partners in the relationship, property is divided between them by the division of joint. Division of joint shall be made on the basis of ownership on the date when the relationship is ended.
The request for division of joint must be made within one year after the relationship ended. If a partner dies or if a partner dies within one year after the ended relationship, is the request made at the latest when the household inventory count is held.
Partners or potential partner may agree that the division of joint should not be made or that certain property not should be included in the division of joint in a division of joint agreement.
What remains of the common property, after deductions of liabilities to be covered, should be equally distributed between the partners.
A division of joint agreement shall be in writing and signed by both parties. You can use this template to create a division of joint between you and your partner.
Updated: 01/01/2015 | Created by All-templates.biz
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