Display files in a folder or a directory (C#, VB and ASP.NET) | Free code
Here you can download free code (C# and VB) to display files in a folder or a directory located on a web server with a link to each file so that users can download the files.
Code to display all or some files in a folder on a web server can be useful when there are no requirements regarding information about the files, no special requirements concerning the sample and no special requirements for selection. A better solution for file management on a website than to display files in a folder is to save links to files in a table in a database along with other information.
For security reasons, it is not possible to view files in a folder on a local computer using the FileUpload control but you can show files in a folder on a local computer if you specify the full path to the folder on the local computer.
In this template with free code (C# and VB) to display files in a folder or a directory located on a web server is there a form to upload files to a folder on a web server and a form to display the files in a folder on the web server. In the code to upload files and in the code to display the files have we used "Try/Catch/Finally" error handling so that exceptions are handled in the code.
Remember that you in your web hosting account must have made a setting for the correct version of "ASP.NET" on your website (the version listed in the "Web.config" file). We are using Visual Web Developer 2005 (2010) Express Edition for web programming.
Updated: 01/01/2015 | Created by All-templates.biz
Download Display files in a folder or a directory (C#, VB and ASP.NET) | Free code ยป
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